Science & Engineering
Air Affair | http://www.airaffair.com/ |
Focuses on different types of flying machines. Includes a calendar of flying shows, a listing of aviation fuel prices, and an aviation library. | |
Airship: The Home Page for Lighter-Than-Air Craft | http://spot.colorado.edu/~dziadeck/airship.html
Offers links for finding information about lighter-than-air craft. Includes information on these craft in fiction, models, and pictures; a bibliography; and links to Internet resources and discussion groups. |
Aviation Enthusiast Corner | http://omni.brooklyn.cuny.edu/rec/air/air.html Provides many resources, including picture libraries, airshow information, and aircraft locators. |
http://www.landings.com/aviation.html | |
Aviation Image Archives | Contains links to many aviation images and movies, including aircraft, aerobatics, combat, hang gliding, and logos from around the world. |
http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/basics/ | |
Basics of Space Flight Learners' Workbook | Provides orientation to space flight and related topics, including the solar system, gravity and mechanics, interplanetary trajectories, orbits, electromagnetic phenomena, space craft types, telecommunications, onboard subsystems, navigation, and phases of flight. |
http://www.intercom.net/local/aviation/ | |
Canard's Aviator's Page | Provides information for the aviation enthusiast. Offers links to Canard aircraft that provide information on each aircraft and other related information. |
http://www.landings.com/aviation.html | |
Federal Aviation Regulations | Furnishes searchable database of FAA regulations. |
http://aviation.jsc.nasa.gov/ | |
First General Aviation WWW Server | Offers a resource on aviation. Provides information about learning to fly, piloting tips, model airplanes, simulator information, FAA information, and other aviation-related items. |
http://www.dfrf.nasa.gov/dryden.html | |
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center | Provides information about the activities of this research center. Includes a photo archive of research aircraft, research documents, and program information. |
http://www.nasa.gov/ | |
NASA Information Services via World Wide Web | Acts as the starting point for all of NASA's Web-based information. Offers links to resources, including space shuttle information, home pages for the NASA centers around the country, space images, and educational resources. |
http://btree.lerc.nasa.gov/NASA_TV/NASA_TV.html | |
NASA Television on CU-SeeMe | Helps visitors learn how to access live images and audio from NASA using CU-SeeMe software. Provides a link for obtaining the CU-SeeMe software. |
http://shuttle.nasa.gov/ | |
On Board STS-70 | Provides data about the current space shuttle mission. Includes images, schedules, mission information, video clips, technical information. Lets you access status reports for every day for the last two years, including things to be done, concerns, and activities undertaken that day. |
http://www.aviation.uiuc.edu/institute/contents.html | |
University of IllinoisInstitute of Aviation Wx Page | Offers list of several aviation-related images and textual information. |
Focuses on different types of flying machines. Includes a calendar of flying shows, a
listing of aviation fuel prices, and an aviation library.
Offers links for finding information about lighter-than-air craft. Includes information
on these craft in fiction, models, and pictures; a bibliography; and links to Internet
resources and discussion groups.
Enthusiast Corner
Provides many resources, including picture libraries, airshow information, and aircraft
Contains links to many aviation images and movies, including aircraft, aerobatics,
combat, hang gliding, and logos from around the world.
Provides orientation to space flight and related topics, including the solar system,
gravity and mechanics, interplanetary trajectories, orbits, electromagnetic phenomena,
space craft types, telecommunications, onboard subsystems, navigation, and phases of
Provides information for the aviation enthusiast. Offers links to Canard aircraft that
provide information on each aircraft and other related information.
Furnishes searchable database of FAA regulations.
Offers a resource on aviation. Provides information about learning to fly, piloting
tips, model airplanes, simulator information, FAA information, and other aviation-related
Provides information about the activities of this research center. Includes a photo
archive of research aircraft, research documents, and program information.
Acts as the starting point for all of NASA's Web-based information. Offers links to
resources, including space shuttle information, home pages for the NASA centers around the
country, space images, and educational resources.
Helps visitors learn how to access live images and audio from NASA using CU-SeeMe
software. Provides a link for obtaining the CU-SeeMe software.
Provides data about the current space shuttle mission. Includes images, schedules,
mission information, video clips, technical information. Lets you access status reports
for every day for the last two years, including things to be done, concerns, and
activities undertaken that day.
Offers list of several aviation-related images and textual information.
Univ. di Pavia | Dipartemento di Biologia di la Universita di Pavia Italia. - Excelentes link de cienciabiológicas |
ftp://grind.isca.uiowa.edu/image/gif/anatomy/ |
Anatomy Images | Contains a directory of anatomy images. |
http://www.atcg.com/atcg/ | |
Anderson's Timesaving Comparative Guide | Serves as reference for molecular biologists, providing the world's most comprehensive listing of restriction enzymes, modifying enzymes, commercial DNA libraries, and more. |
http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~welch/auditory/Auditory.html | |
Auditory Perception | Offers a multimedia document about auditory perception, including demonstrations, discussions, and experiments. |
http://biochemweb.slu.edu/ | |
BiochemWeb | Provides a service for people involved in biochemistry and molecular biology: those considering applying to the St Louis University graduate program, those involved in the graduate program, and professors. |
http://muse.bio.cornell.edu/ | |
Biodiversity and Biological Collections Web Server | Provides information about specimens in biological collections, taxonomic authority files, directories of biologists, reports by various standards bodies (IOPI, ASC, SA2000, and so on), an archive of the Taxacom (MUSE-L and CICHLID-L listservs), access to online journals (including Flora On-line), and MUSE and Delta. |
http://mac10201.zool.iastate.edu | |
BioForce Labs | Focuses on expanding the use of scanning probe microscopy and molecular force detection in basic and applied research and molecular diagnostics. Focuses in particular on manufacturing and selling BioTipsä, biologically modified force transducers for molecular detection. Includes the following services and activities: on-site SPM setup and training, collaborations, providing services, and supply sales. |
http://www.biosupplynet.com/bsn/ | |
BioSupplyNet | Serves as an online product directory for the biomedical/lifescience research community. Offers searchable database that contains more than 15,000 products from 1,400 vendors. Provides information on new products and special offers, an opportunity for users to share expertise through product user groups, and immediate access to suppliers via e-mail for technical support and ordering information. | |
CSU BIOWEB | Consolidates existing WWW biological science teaching and research resources and creates and distributes original multimedia resources for teaching biology. Offers general biology links and short descriptions of the sites as well as the separate category for multimedia sites related to biology, which consist mostly of image databases on the Internet. |
http://www.apollo.co.uk/a/horizon | |
Horizon Scientific Press: Molecular Biology Books | A resource for books in molecular biology and microbiology. Contains useful links to other sites of interest to molecular biologists. |
http://www-bio.llnl.gov/bbrp/bbrp.homepage.html | |
LLNL Biology and Biotechnology Research Program | Introduces you to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Biology and Biotechnology Research Program (BBRP). Provides information related to their research projects in the areas of the human genome project, DNA repair, x-ray crystallography, and more. |
http://www.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/ | |
Microworlds: Exploring the Structure of Materials | Explores scientific issues being investigated at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in an understandable and fun way. Provides information on research dealing with issues such as light, conductivity, and wetlands. |
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ | |
National Center for Biotechnology Information | Responsible for building, maintaining, and distributing GenBank, the NIH genetic sequence database that collects all known DNA sequences from scientists worldwide. Also provides searchable database for DNA sequences. |
http://www.bri.nrc.ca/irbgenen.html | |
NRC Biotechnology Research Institute | Provides information about the Biotechnology Research Institute (BRI) of the National Research Council of Canada. BRI has more than 400 specialists and state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to perform cutting-edge R&D in biopharmaceuticals, environmental biotechnology, and bioprocess. |
http://phylogeny.arizona.edu/tree/phylogeny.html | |
Tree of Life | Serves as "a map to biological information," a cooperative group of WWW sites on the Internet. Provides information on biology arranged like a phylogenetic tree; the further along you go, the more specific the information becomes. |
http://life.anu.edu.au/viruses/welcome.html | |
Virus Databases Online | Provides links to Internet resources on biological viruses. Includes links to plant and animal viruses, tutorials, genome sequences, and virus news. |
Contains a directory of anatomy images.
Serves as reference for molecular biologists, providing the world's most comprehensive
listing of restriction enzymes, modifying enzymes, commercial DNA libraries, and more.
Offers a multimedia document about auditory perception, including demonstrations,
discussions, and experiments.
Provides a service for people involved in biochemistry and molecular biology: those
considering applying to the St Louis University graduate program, those involved in the
graduate program, and professors.
Provides information about specimens in biological collections, taxonomic authority
files, directories of biologists, reports by various standards bodies (IOPI, ASC, SA2000,
and so on), an archive of the Taxacom (MUSE-L and CICHLID-L listservs), access to online
journals (including Flora On-line), and MUSE and Delta.
Focuses on expanding the use of scanning probe microscopy and molecular force detection
in basic and applied research and molecular diagnostics. Focuses in particular on
manufacturing and selling BioTipsä, biologically modified force transducers for molecular
detection. Includes the following services and activities: on-site SPM setup and training,
collaborations, providing services, and supply sales.
Serves as an online product directory for the biomedical/lifescience research
community. Offers searchable database that contains more than 15,000 products from 1,400
vendors. Provides information on new products and special offers, an opportunity for users
to share expertise through product user groups, and immediate access to suppliers via
e-mail for technical support and ordering information.
Consolidates existing WWW biological science teaching and research resources and
creates and distributes original multimedia resources for teaching biology. Offers general
biology links and short descriptions of the sites as well as the separate category for
multimedia sites related to biology, which consist mostly of image databases on the
A resource for books in molecular biology and microbiology. Contains useful links to
other sites of interest to molecular biologists.
Introduces you to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Biology and
Biotechnology Research Program (BBRP). Provides information related to their research
projects in the areas of the human genome project, DNA repair, x-ray crystallography, and
Explores scientific issues being investigated at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in an
understandable and fun way. Provides information on research dealing with issues such as
light, conductivity, and wetlands.
Responsible for building, maintaining, and distributing GenBank, the NIH genetic
sequence database that collects all known DNA sequences from scientists worldwide. Also
provides searchable database for DNA sequences.
Provides information about the Biotechnology Research Institute (BRI) of the National
Research Council of Canada. BRI has more than 400 specialists and state-of-the-art
facilities and equipment to perform cutting-edge R&D in biopharmaceuticals,
environmental biotechnology, and bioprocess.
Serves as "a map to biological information," a cooperative group of WWW sites
on the Internet. Provides information on biology arranged like a phylogenetic tree; the
further along you go, the more specific the information becomes.
Provides links to Internet resources on biological viruses. Includes links to plant and
animal viruses, tutorials, genome sequences, and virus news.
Balogh Scientific Books |
http://www.balogh.com/~balogh/ |
Publisher and book seller specializing in botany. Features information on books, an online ordering desk, new book releases, and news about botany. Also offers a mailing list and book trading list. | |
Brief Overview of the National Herbarium | |
http://nmnhwww.si.edu/botany/collover.html | |
Includes information about the National Herbarium, a government organization. Includes searchable databases of plants and historical documents. | |
Geobotanical Institue | |
http://www.geobot.umnw.ethx.ch/ | |
Feautres an overview of the institute and contact information. Also includes research topics, plant ecology, systematics, mycology, archeobotany, libraries, and a herbarium. | |
National Institue of Agricultural Botany | |
http://www.open.gov.uk/niab/niabhome.htm | |
Includes comprehensive index to the science and study of botany. Features articles on training, lab tests, and chemical and plant diseases. | |
Nature Described: Learning to Look at the World | |
http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Experimental/vatican.exhibit/exhibit/g-nature/Nature.html | |
Provides historical data about nature and botany. | |
Publisher and book seller specializing in botany. Features information on books, an
online ordering desk, new book releases, and news about botany. Also offers a mailing list
and book trading list.
Includes information about the National Herbarium, a government organization. Includes
searchable databases of plants and historical documents.
Feautres an overview of the institute and contact information. Also includes research
topics, plant ecology, systematics, mycology, archeobotany, libraries, and a herbarium.
Includes comprehensive index to the science and study of botany. Features articles on
training, lab tests, and chemical and plant diseases.
Provides historical data about nature and botany.