Ciencias, tecnlogía e Ingeniería

Cognitive Science

Frequently Asked Questions about Parapsychology

Attempts to explain the current thinking about parapsychology from a scientific point of view. Includes discussions of ESP, ghosts, channeling, and a review of the criticisms.

MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Provides information and publications about MIT's latest work on artificial intelligence, including information on computer vision, humanoid robotics, and artificial muscles.

Neurosciences on the Internet

Lists sites suggested as starting points for exploring neuroscience. Also lists some essential biological and medical resource sites and some World Wide Web sites invaluable for any type of information retrieval.

North West Artificial Intelligence Applications Group

Promotes the application of artificial intelligence.

Computer Science

Brussels Free University (ULB) Computer Science Department: Bookmarks

Collects bookmarks about computer science, mathematics, computer firms, technical reports in these fields, bibliographies, and more.

Computer Vision and Image Processing Group

Covers digital image processing and related areas. Includes the areas of multichannel and color image processing, parallel image processing, medical signal processing, ultrasonic image processing and storage, fast algorithms and architectures for digital filtering and image processing, morphological image analysis.

Computing Center, Academy of Sciences, Russia

Provides computing services to the institutes of the Academy and other users.

Cornell Theory Center

Contains information about high-end computing theory. Offers a visualization link that includes animations, graphics, and tools.

Electronic Desktop Project Home Page

Focuses on improving the way science is taught and learned by bringing the power of advanced workstation technology to introductory science students in both major and general education classes. Details some of EDP's projects and offers links to interactive demonstrations.

Electronic Visualization Lab

Merges art, computers, and science in electronic visualization. Contains visualization projects, as well as student home pages that display visualizations.

European Software Institute (ESI)

Provides information about Europe's movement toward improving the competitiveness of the European software industry. Includes training information, a list of upcoming events, and new improvements to their server.

Los Alamos Group XTM Home Page

Supports X-Division's mission by developing state-of-the-art computational tools to investigate and solve complex problems in radiation hydrodynamics and transport. Applies these tools to problems that are important to the nation's security and well-being.

Projects in Scientific Computing

National Science Foundation Research Center. Online version of the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC)'s annual publication. Features current research in various fields, written at a nonspecialist level.

San Diego Supercomputer Center

National laboratory for computational science and engineering established in 1985. Advances research and promotes United States economic competitiveness with state-of-the-art computational tools. Features a variety of collaborative research and educational programs, high-performance computational and visualization tools, and a nationally recognized staff.

UCSD Optoelectronic Computing Group

Researches and develops massively parallel optoelectronic computer systems using the optimal utilization of microelectronic and photonic technologies. Pursues a plan of research that spans the areas of optoelectronic materials and devices, diffractive and micro-optics, nonlinear optics, optical storage technologies, parallel computing algorithms and architectures, including database and neural systems, computer modeling, and optoelectronic packaging.

Earth Science

Earth Sciences and Resources Institute

Focuses on university-based research applied to fossil fuel, mineral, geothermal, and environmental assessment. Presents an electronic brochure about the Institute. Also offers links to energy/environmental/mineral/geothermal-relevant reference sites. Includes a photo and quote of the week.

EOS Buchantiquariat Benz

Catalog of antiquarian books concerning botany, earth science, geology, natural history, paleontology, and zoology. Also contains a search tool, some illustrations, terms and ordering information, and links to other earth science related sites.

Hanford Site

Department of Energy Web site supporting programs in waste management, environmental science restoration, and energy. Contains information on news and events, projects and activities, business opportunities, and the history of Hanford. Also features searchable database and links to other related Web sites.

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

Site dedicated to the research in basic and applied sciences to solve problems related to the environment, energy production and use, economic competitiveness, and national security. Features educational resources, news releases, calendar events, environmental articles, and links to other environmental related sites.

National Center for Atmospheric Research

Presents a high-resolution simulation of the North Atlantic Ocean that represents circulation, designed to show the utility of some current scientific visualization tools to interpret highly complex data—making these data both meaningful and instructive to the viewer.

Online Earth Science Journals

Lists online resources for earth science.

Rain Forest Action Network Home Page

Discusses environmental issues of the rain forest. Includes numerous reports, statistics, information on other groups, and lists of companies to boycott. Also presents a children's corner and information about what you can do.

Science and Public Policy Program

Contains general information about the program, new trends, activities, and publications concerning policy research on environmental, energy, and sustainable development.

Science and Technology Corporation (STC)

Specializes in the atmospheric and environmental sciences.

Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC)

Firm devoted to high-tech products and services in the fields of national security, environment, health, energy, transportation, and systems integration. Features separate categories on energy, environment, government, information technology, health care technology, the Internet, telecommunication, transportation, a search tool, and career opportunities.

Supplements to Atmospheric & Oceanic Publications

Provides data sets, source codes, and other supplements to published papers on the Web. Includes the means for visitors to the listing to add their own supplemental material if appropriate.

Technadyne Engineering Consultants

Consulting firm specializing in energy applications, earth sciences, environmental and defense-related issues. Site features information about the firm and their clients and reports on some of their projects.


Provides information on volcanoes. Includes current news, images and articles about eruptions, background information, and an online expert who answers questions.


Earth Viewer

Enables you to use the Earth Viewer online mapping tool to see Earth from above by setting specifications such as longitude and latitude, look at satellite imagery, composite the image with cloud cover, and much more. Presents the Solar System Live, which shows the locations of the planets at any time. Also presents Terranova, a series of images of hypothetical planets created each day.


Online eco-Web journal. Delves into one ecological topic each week, including real-life stories, photos, and scientific information. Offers links to related Net resources.

Rainforest Workshop Home Page

Provides information about the rainforest. Contains many links to Internet resources, including lesson plans, plant and animal information, ecology, and more.

U.I.A. Freshwater Ecology (The Chironomid Home Page)

Focuses on chironomidae (nonbiting midges). Provides several bibliographies with scientific papers, lists of colleagues around the world, and more. Also provides the opportunity to ask questions or share general messages.

Welcome to Coastal America's Home Page

The Coastal America program is a collaborative effort between organizations to protect the ecological systems and wildlife of America's coastal regions. Provides general information on the program itself and placeholders for more specific information yet to come.

World Forum for Acoustic Ecology

Seeks to investigate natural and human-made soundscapes. Offers links to sound resources and links to the online discussion forum.