Física en Español                     Física en ingles 


  • Sociedades e Instituciones de Física
    AIP- American Institute of Physics
    APCTP- Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics
    APS - American Physical Society
    CSSM- Special Research Center for the Subatomic Structure of Matter
    DAP- Division of Astrophysics, American Physical Society
    DNP- Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society
    ECT- European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics
    EPS- European Physical Society
    ITAMP- Institute for Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics
    ITP- Institute for Theoretical Physics (UCSB)
    MPIPKS- Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden
    JINA- The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics


  • Revistas - Publicaciones en Física

Selected Electronic Journals from the Physics/Astronomy Library
Physical Review Letters
Reviews of Modern Physics

  • Bases de Datos y Servicios de  Física

LANL e-print archive
SLAC-SPIRES databases
TIPTOP- The Internet Pilot to Physics

Accelerator Physics at SLAC

Describes accelerator physics at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Includes links to most accelerator physics and resources on the Web, including almost all accelerator labs in the world, lab-specific and general news and job-listing sites, physics societies and organizations, texts, and more.

American Institute of Physics

Provides general information on physics. Contains lists of other Web sites, as well as services such as online journals and software archives. Offers information varying from news about what is happening in the field of physics, presented at a newspaper reading level, to listings of job openings in the field of physics.

American Physical Society

American Physical Society is an organization of more than 41,000 physicists. The group publishes research journals, including the Physical Review, Physical Review Letters, and Review of Modern Physics. Their site contains links to information on the organization’s meetings, membership information, and career/employment opportunities, as well as links to their numerous publications publications.

ASM International Home Page

Provides information about ASM, the Materials Information Society. Provides a searchable collection of Web sites, a calendar of events, and a collection of materials producers of interest to materials engineers.

CERN European Laboratory for Particle Physics

Birthplace of the World Wide Web. Provides general information on the Web and maintains archives of information on particle physics and listings of links to other sites pertaining to the field of physics.

CMB Astrophysics Research Program


Surveys ongoing research and lists current personnel in the George Smoot Astrophysics Research Group.

HyperSpace at UBC

Contains articles related to gravity and relativity, current news on relativity, job listings, and conference information, among other information.

Interactive Physics Problem Set


Contains almost 100 practice problems accompanied by detailed solutions and interactive computer experiments.

Jean-Marie Vaneskahian's Physics Home Page

Offers physics-related links and software, including Net software.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Provides information about the laboratory and its research projects as well as links to other sites of general interest. Specializes in the study of nuclear, ecological, and bioscience topics.

Laws List

Online dictionary of physics terms and ideas. Covers laws, rules, principles, effects, paradoxes, limits, constants, experiments, and thought experiments in physics.

Listing of Physics Resources on the World Wide Web

Lists various types of physics resources currently available on the Web.

Livermore Labs Atmospheric Research

Provides technical information with research on global and regional climate change, atmospheric physics and chemistry, biogeochemical cycles of anthropogenic gases and aerosols, cloud physics, and real-time modeling of the transport of contaminants in the atmosphere.



Nanotechnology is an expected future manufacturing technology that should enable us to inexpensively build almost any structure consistent with the laws of chemistry and physics with molecular precision.

Nanoworld Home Page

Research and service facility dedicated to understanding the structure and composition of all materials. Provides links to several resources. Offers database of microscopic images.

NIH Guide to Molecular Modeling

Features information on modeling, software, and images.

Nuclear Physics

Contains a catalog of sites pertaining to the field of physics. Contains a variety of links to sites, and an alphabetical listing that consists predominately of links to research centers around the world but that also includes links to a variety of associations.

Physics and Space Technology Directorate

Provides information on physics—particularly physics pertaining to space technology.

Physics around the World

Provides a catalog of physics and related resources on the Web. Includes all major fields in physics, science education, history of science, physical constants, laws, data and tables, journals, software, and more. Also includes bulletin boards for summer schools and workshops and for buying and selling used instruments and equipment.

Physics Demonstrations at UC Berkeley


Demonstrations for the subjects of mechanics, waves, heat and matter, electricity, magnetism, and optics.

Physics News

Contains up-to-date information on current events in the world of physics. Offers a listing of various online publications and resource sites.

Physics Problems

Contains more than 30 problems in basic concepts, mechanics, and thermal physics.

Physics Servers and Services around the World

Serves as a starting place to find physics resources on the Internet. Includes links to academic institutions, organizations, documents, and mailing lists.

Physics Unbound

Contains a collection of texts about issues and topics in physics. Encourages readers to add to the wealth of knowledge already present.

Physics World Electronic News

An online newsletter. Allows subscribers to receive e-mail that provides up-to-date accounts of news in the field of physics.

Quantum Magazine Home Page

Provides information about Quantum magazine. Contains primarily physics-related contents, but does include a "toy store" of "mathematical amusements." Includes back issues and a sample.

Virtual Science Class

Site featuring educational software for science related topics. Includes energy flow, physics lab simulator, and producing energy. Also gives highlights on new or future products.


Offers a collection of multimedia documents pertaining to various aspects of "alternative" science, including warp technology, fantasy stories of time travel, quantum mechanics, and so on.

Welcome to the Institute of Physics

Provides information in the field of physics. Restricts use of some items and aspects to registered members only. Users who choose to register can browse text abstracts or download full text versions of any article. To register, you must be a member of a subscribing institution.

Welcome to the Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics

Provides information, documents and simulations related to terrestrial physics. Features links to images of various terrestrial phenomena, such as magnetic models of the crust.

World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Physics

Offers a general listing of physics sites. Also contains links to listings of more specific sites on geophysics, astrophysics, nuclear physics, and energy science.